Synod Albany 2021 of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (Snippets 3)

Yesterday evening Synod 2021 saw some more speeches from churches abroad being presented, this time from our sister churches in Canada and Korea, and...

Synod Albany 2021 of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia (Snippet 2)

Last night’s session commenced with speeches from some sister churches. I won’t elaborate on these because they will most likely be included as an...

FRCA Synod Albany 2021 (Snippet 1)

Last night saw the commencement of Synod Albany 2021 of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. Outside God showed His power by providing wild...

The Boundaries of Ecclesiastical Unity 2

Christ’s high priestly prayer in John 17 is often used to promote unity with different church federations. Specifically, verse 21 of this chapter: ”…that...

The Boundaries of Ecclesiastical Unity 1

The next few articles summarise a few documents dealing with ecclesiastical unity. Today’s article summarises a brochure by Rev P. van Gurp and Rev...

Giving up our ‘rights’

There are things in life which we must do and things we may do. And sometimes those things we may do, or believe we...

Joel and the Spirit of Prophecy

Australians witnessing terrible bush-fires know how billowing smoke can darken the sun and make the moon look blood-red. I recall reports of people who...

How serious is Covid-19?

Readers will be aware that in December 2019 an epidemic, caused by a previously unknown coronavirus, started in Wuhang, China, and that this has...

Prof B Holwerda on the Parents’ Calling regarding the School with the Bible

Covenant means fellowship with the triune God. The promise of that fellowship was signified at our baptism. And by that baptism we and our...

Justified Freely by God’s Grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus

This April it is 500 years since Luther (1483-1546) stood trial before emperor Charles V in the German city of Worms. After a difficult struggle Luther understood...

More on the Vaccination Issue

You may recall that in February Rev S de Marie’s article “Vaccinate against corona – yes or no?” was published on this site. This...

Double thickness daily newspaper

An earlier article by D J Bolt published on this site last month indicated how what was once a highly respected reformed (GKv) daily...

A Heavenly Voice for Jews and Greeks and Everyone

… “and a voice came from heaven” … (John 12:28). Jesus did many signs and miracles demonstrating clearly that He was the promised Messiah, the...

A Fatter Newspaper – Nederlands Dagblad

It would appear that, once you reject the fruits of the Liberation and discard the way of ongoing reformation, you end up heading back...

Answering a Reader’s Response to Covid-vaccination

Last month Rev Dr S de Marie’s “Vaccinate against corona – yes or no?” was published on this site. Although it led to some...