Defence of the Truth is a website which aims to provide articles which give reformed direction and ‘test the spirits’ in submission to the truth of the Holy Bible, the doctrine of which is confessed in the Three Forms of Unity – The Belgic Confession of Faith, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort.
Latest articles
Church unity and the truth
Recently I received an article from G M Boogert, member of the DGK in The Netherlands, titled “Church pluralism and blindness to first sin. Br Boogert begins by saying: “Ask any Reformed church member if he or she is opposed to unity of reformed churches and the answer will...
A school skit about the Church Liberation of 1944
The following is a skit between an imaginary primary school boy and his 98-year-old grandmother. I publish it here for the sake of the younger readers who may know little about the Church Liberation of 1944. The skit was acted out at the Kelmscott John Calvin School to celebrate...
The Snare is Broken
11th August eighty years ago the Lord graciously liberated His church in the Netherlands. We Free Reformed Churches of Australia trace our linage, the linage of Christ’s church, back through that Liberation, then further back through the Union of 1892, the Second Secession of 1886, the First Secession of...
Part of Br Hagg’s address to FRCA Synod 2024 about joining the ICRC
What is it that compels representatives from overseas sister churches, in addressing FRCA Synod 2024, to take sides in a divisive issue in our churches by putting pressure on the FRCA to join the ICRC? First it was Rev C van Dam of the CanRC (see my previous article)....
Part of address by Rev C van Dam to Synod 2024 about joining the ICRC
Membership of the ICRC has been a divisive issue in the Free Reformed Churches. It led us to withdraw our membership in the 1990s. At FRCA Synod 2024, presently sitting, it is back on the agenda having earlier been put on Synod 2021’s agenda by Classis North following a...
Being Reformed as Identity: Remaining Faithful to Scripture and Confession
The concept of 'identity' is currently receiving much attention because of gender ideology. But does what you feel and experience as a person (e.g. gender ideology) determine who you really are? An identity concerns your personality: who am I, what do I live for. We are Reformed; it’s part...
Church in Canadian Reformed History: The 1950s
This article, published here with the writer’s kind permission, is from Clarion, May 17 2024. Reading Rev Bouwman’s article we might ask ourselves: Are we today as determined to uphold what we confess about Christ’s church, and as concerned about the danger of church pluriformity thinking, as the CanRC (and...
Church in Canadian Reformed History: The Beginnings
This article, published here with the writer's kind permission, is from Clarion, April 26 2024. It is relevant to FRSA readers, since we share the same historical roots with our Canadian sister churches. JN
The doctrine concerning the church – known as “ecclesiology” (nice big word!) has a colourful development in...
A closed Lord’s Supper Table is not proof of a sectarian spirit but shows ecclesiastical faithfulness
In our contacts with other churches we find differing views about who may attend the Lord’s Supper. The late Prof. J Geertsema (CanRC) identified three different ways of celebrating the Lord's Supper: the open Table (where everyone is invited to attend), the restricted Table (requiring approval through an interview...
For and against
He who is not against us is for us. He who is not with me is against me.He who does not gather with me scatters.
(Luke 9:50b; Mark 9:40; Luke 11:23; Matthew 12:30)Dr Klaas Schilder, a faithful minister of the Word, prolific writer and, according to Henry van Til, “the...