No Two Kinds of Seed
Why you should send your child to the Christian school.
“You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed” (Lev 19:19 ESV).
You may...
The Open Tap
THE OPEN TAP(This article by Klaas Schilder, first published in a church magazine in 1921, was translated by Rev. J. Moesker and is published...
From Reformed to secularised churches? (1)
The following book review is of particular interest because it relates to the concerns Synod Armadale 2012 expressed in its letter of admonition to...
Synod Armadale 2012 – Final decision about the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN)
Article 142 -
I. Final Decision:To present to the RCN an official admonition stating our concerns.This admonition will be a statement of weighty objections with...
Letter of Admonition to Gereformeerde Kerken Vrijgemaakt (Reformed Churches of the Netherlands)
To: Generale Synode Ede 201422 April 2013
Esteemed brothers:Synod Armadale 2012 of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia greets our brothers of de Generale Synode...
The concerned prophet who just wouldn’t show obedience
(This is a translation of a meditation by Dr K Schilder.)
Now an old prophet dwelt in Bethel, and his sons came and told...
Blurring the Boundaries
One way to sacrifice our unique identity as churches of our Lord Jesus Christ is to build sandcastles of illusory unity with those who...