The Preparation for the Permanent Home

“In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you… I go to prepare a place for...

Evangelism: the task of every Christian?

Is it every Christian's task to evangelise? Many people believe it is and it is certainly a recurring message that we hear and read....

Vaccinate against corona – yes or no?

This article, though specific to the Netherlands, deals with ethical issues in relation to the corona virus and vaccination, and is therefore of relevance...

The First are no Models

Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would...


“Idolatry is having or inventing something in which to put our trust instead of, or in addition to, the only true God who has...

From ‘Old’ to ‘New’ Year – in God’s Plan

Something strange happens when we move from one year to the next. The secular media implies that we’re entering a different era, as if...

Today 130 years ago…

Today 130 years ago a baby was born who, despite growing up in poverty, came to be a great instrument in God’s hand for...

Purposeful Living

What is the value of our lives? This is a question that has been asked by civilisations through the ages. It is a question...

Classis North 20-11-2020’s bad decision

Last week Friday Classis North adopted a proposal submitted by the FRC Launceston to “propose that Synod decide to mandate the Deputies for Sister...

Are Human Rights Biblical?

Human rights are relatively new. It was only following the atrocities of WW II that human rights became a global movement. Already after WW...

Bonhoeffer: Dead End Theology

Seven years ago, Dutch DGK minister Rev E Heres wrote: “It is remarkable how much attention there is in our time for the German theologian...

Reformation Day

Some people say: doctrine divides but service unites, so let’s focus on what unites us, on what we have in common, rather than on...

A School of Sons and Daughters (2)

The following is the second and final part of Dr C van Dam's speech. Memory Work             Scripture makes clear that parents have to entrust the...

A School of Sons and Daughters (1)

Now that our reformed schools are opening their doors for Term 4, I pass on the first of two parts of a speech Dr...

Balaam’s Counsel

"Look, these women caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the LORD in the incident of Peor, and...