Rev S de Marie

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Being Reformed as Identity: Remaining Faithful to Scripture and Confession

The concept of 'identity' is currently receiving much attention because of gender ideology. But does what you feel and experience as a person (e.g. gender ideology) determine who you...

As churches how do we deal with other churches? 4 (& final)

Can someone who is a member of another church, partake in the celebration of the Holy Supper? If so, what are the conditions? For whom is the Holy Supper...

As churches how do we deal with other churches? 3

What are the dangers of pluriformity and denominationalism? Definitions Pluriformity of the church is the idea that different churches may coexist beside each other while worshipping God in different ways and...

As churches how do we deal with other churches? 2

 Seeking unity Unity with other existing churches In addition to continually examining our own church in light of God’s Word, we must, over time, also look around at other churches and...

As churches how do we deal with other churches? 1

What makes you a church of Jesus Christ? Christ and His churchWe believe in Christ as our Savior and the Head of His Church. We also believe a holy...

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