Rev Peter Holtvluwer
I presently serve as a full time minister of the Word in a Bible-believing, confessional Reformed congregation in Canada. I am committed to the infallible Word of God and uphold in every respect the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort as accurate, faithful summaries of Scripture.I write non-fiction stuff – mostly articles and editorials for Clarion, our unofficial church magazine – and many sermons, of course. Currently, alongside my regular ministry duties, I am working hard to finish editing (and contributing to) a multi-volume work on the Psalms.
Posts from Author
Salvation Issues?
Have you ever been involved in a disagreement over something the Bible teaches when suddenly someone exclaims, “But that’s not a salvation issue!” And that’s where the conversation stops...
Objections to Psalm Singing
In recent Clarion issues, solid biblical reasons have been put forward for why we should be singing more psalms than hymns in worship at church, home, and school. Yet...
Why Should I Read the Acts of Synod?
That’s a good question. After all, the Acts of General Synod are not exactly riveting reading. They won’t win the Giller, Nobel or Booker prize and they definitely won’t...