Jelte Numan

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‘The Ongoing Revolution’: Characteristics and Lessons by Rev S de Marie

Prof Dekker of the synodical Reformed Churches of the Netherlands has written a book1 in which he traces the recent developments within the liberated Reformed Churches (GKv). He draws...

Letter of The Reformed Churches – restored (DGK Hersteld) to Synod Carman 2013 of Canadian Reformed Churches

Deputies for Contacts with Churches Abroad of The Reformed Churches (restored) Secretary: A. van der Net, Het Kooistuk 5, 8061 AT Hasselt, The Netherlands General Synod Carman 2013 of the Canadian...

“Once baptised, forever different” summary of some articles by J Meijer

The following summary by Mark Numan was presented at an Adults Association meeting 27/6/2013. The original articles were published in the Dutch church magazine De Reformatie in the early...

‘Discerning the Times’ by Rev M Retief

 The last thirty years of church history has been a history of rapid deformation.   It did not take place in one country or in one bond of churches.   Neither...

Appeal of The Reformed Churches-restored (DGK hersteld) to the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (GKv)

21 May 2010To the General Synod of the Reformed Churches (liberated)Subject: An appeal and a wish Respected brothers, 1. Introduction: Longing for unity in the true faithThe General Synod...

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