Jelte Numan
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“Schilder’s Struggle for the Unity of the Church” by Rudolf van Reest
This book provides the most comprehensive coverage of the events leading up to and including the Liberation I know of in the English language. Author Rudolf van Reest shows...
Seventy years ago – the Church Liberation of 11 August 1944
We praise the Lord for the Liberation of 1944. Thereby He continued, on this historic occasion seventy years ago, His church gathering work in The Netherlands. He rescued us...
On the Unity and Disunity of Churches
What follows is a paper Dr W G deVries presented in the Free Reformed Church building in Armadale, 5 February 2002, on behalf of the Free Reformed Study Centre.
On the...
“… in order to prevent deviation” by T L Bruinius
How important is the Confession? How important are the Three Forms of Unity? How important is the binding to these Forms?These are critical questions. Questions which in the history of the church...
Karl Barth, true or false prophet? (2) by Rev S de Marie
Barth on Christ and his atoning suffering
Kamphuis refers to what he has learned from Barth, especially his teaching on the suffering of God and the grace in Christ. He finds...