The Church Service – Part 2

The Church Service (part two) Seeing that in a church service it is the Lord, through His office-bearers, who calls His flock to be assembled together,...


(Recently GKv synod deputies appointed to study the position of men and women in the church submitted their findings, namely, that Scripture and confession...

The Church Service – Part 1

The Church Service  We usually go to church twice every Sunday, or, at least, that is the expectation. When this is done on a regular...

Reformed Politics: An Important Lesson from History

Politics continues to be an area where, within the Australian Free Reformed Churches, we have difficulty working from the same page. For many years...

Mr Rudd’s Bonhoeffer version of Christianity

Australia’s present Prime Minister, Mr Kevin Rudd, has stated that he is a Christian. Since many make that claim, yet have widely differing views...

“Much interest in Dietrich Bonhoeffer” by Rev E Heres 15/6/13 translated from Eeininwaarheid

It is remarkable how much attention there is in our time for the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945). This spring, guest lectures about Bonhoeffer...

“One Faith in the One Body of Christ” by Rev S de Marie

The following speech by Rev de Marie was presented at Hamilton 24 June 2013.1. IntroductionOne of the great misunderstandings we have among Christians and...

‘The Ongoing Revolution’: Characteristics and Lessons by Rev S de Marie

Prof Dekker of the synodical Reformed Churches of the Netherlands has written a book1 in which he traces the recent developments within the liberated...

Letter of The Reformed Churches – restored (DGK Hersteld) to Synod Carman 2013 of Canadian Reformed Churches

Deputies for Contacts with Churches Abroad of The Reformed Churches (restored) Secretary: A. van der Net, Het Kooistuk 5, 8061 AT Hasselt, The Netherlands General Synod...

“Once baptised, forever different” summary of some articles by J Meijer

The following summary by Mark Numan was presented at an Adults Association meeting 27/6/2013. The original articles were published in the Dutch church magazine...

‘Discerning the Times’ by Rev M Retief

 The last thirty years of church history has been a history of rapid deformation.   It did not take place in one country or in...

Appeal of The Reformed Churches-restored (DGK hersteld) to the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (GKv)

21 May 2010To the General Synod of the Reformed Churches (liberated)Subject: An appeal and a wish Respected brothers, 1. Introduction: Longing for unity in the...

“Detest the World”[i] by T L Bruinius

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in...

Canadian Reformed Synod decision about the Dutch sister churches (RCN)

What follows is the (unofficial) Article 145 of the Acts of Synod Carman 2013 1 showing the position the Canadian Reformed Churches took in...

The RCN’s changing views on antithesis, church and culture

A review of the book Vrijgemaakte Vreemdelingen After the Liberation of 1944 the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN) established their own church-related organisations—reformed schools,...