Prof. J Douma leaves GKv

Professor Dr J Douma has left the Reformed Churches (liberated).  That was the news headline on 15 November 2014. It was also unexpected news, because...

“About Entry and Sola Scriptura: reply to a rebuttal” by A Capellen

After a long wait it has finally happened. At the request of Deputies for Relations with Foreign Churches and of the Canadian Subcommittee for...

Is Douma Overreacting?

Chairman of the latest RCN synod, Rev P Voorberg, says he laments Douma’s departure from the RCN, finding it ‘unnecessary’. He doesn’t consider attempts to...

Dr J Douma leaves the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (Liberated)

According to Nederlands Dagblad (ND) 15-11-2014, emeritus professor Dr Jochem Douma (82) has left the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN). He made this...

“Women in GKv Pulpits” by D J Bolt

Women in GKv  pulpits (instalment 13)  18-10-14There is a well-known joke about a church minister who receives a call to another congregation. Someone asks the minister’s...

Dutch politics: reducing the confession to gain numbers

According to Nederlands Dagblad (ND) 23-9-2014 there are moves afoot in the ChristianUnion to adopt a new foundation. A discussion paper has been distributed...

“Schilder’s Struggle for the Unity of the Church” by Rudolf van Reest

This book provides the most comprehensive coverage of the events leading up to and including the Liberation I know of in the English language....

Seventy years ago – the Church Liberation of 11 August 1944

We praise the Lord for the Liberation of 1944. Thereby He continued, on this historic occasion seventy years ago, His church gathering work in...

On the Unity and Disunity of Churches

What follows is a paper Dr W G deVries presented in the Free Reformed Church building in Armadale, 5 February 2002, on behalf of the...

“… in order to prevent deviation” by T L Bruinius

How important is the Confession? How important are the Three Forms of Unity? How important is the binding to these Forms?These are critical questions. Questions which in...

Karl Barth, true or false prophet? (2) by Rev S de Marie

Barth on Christ and his atoning suffering Kamphuis refers to what he has learned from Barth, especially his teaching on the suffering of God and the...

Karl Barth, true or false prophet? (1) by Rev S de Marie

Karl Barth (1886-1968) is widely considered to be the most influential Christian theologian of the 20th century. Reformed writers have, in past decades, pointed...

“I will put enmity…”

Genesis 3:15 has often been called the protoevangel, the first record of the gospel.  Or it is called the Mother Promise, the promise that...

“Office-bearers giving leadership in Christ’s Church” by Rev PKA de Boer

The following speech by Rev PKA de Boer was held at an annual office bearers' conference in the Free Reformed Church of Mt Nasura...

Press review – criticism expressed by overseas delegates to RCN’s Synod Ede

Reformatorisch Dagblad, 29th March 2014, reported that representatives of churches abroad gathered at Synod Ede of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN, aka...