“When You Don’t Follow Through…” by Rev Wes Bredenhof
There once was a Reformed church federation in the Netherlands. This federation had a long and storied history. Its roots were not only in...
Choose or Lose 4 by D J Bolt & T Bolt (Slager)
Br D J Bolt is the editor of the website www.eeninwaarheid.info which for the last decade has been highlighting and warning about deviations from...
Prof J Douma on Burger’s Criticism in “Cruciaal” (translated from jochemdouma.nl)
Burger’s criticismOne would expect that the article of the liberated Reformed theologian Burger defends the doctrine of atonement – the doctrine which states that Jesus...
Sola Scriptura (1) by Rev M Retief
Without Holy Scripture we have no source of revelation or knowledge by which we are able to rightly know God. Without the Bible we...
‘The Revised Church Order – Urgent Letter to Consistories’ by DJ Bolt
In 1944 the Lord liberated His people from synodical hierarchy. Now, it appears, the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN) have reintroduced synodical hierarchy...
“Reconciliation through Satisfaction” by N van Dijk
This article provides further information about recent changes in thinking by some professors within the RCN about Christ’s work of atonement. We’ve always learnt...
Developments in our Dutch Sister Churches and Lessons to be Learned
This morning let us consider some of the main developments in our Dutch sister churches (Reformed Churches in the Netherlands - Liberated or RCN)...
A critical attack on the heart of the Gospel in the RCN (GKv) – Part 1
I did not have the courage to publish what follows without first having read the book Cruciaal itself. I found the content too shocking, although an...
Choose or Lose (2) by D J Bolt
In part one of Choose or lose, more than a month ago, we had a look around in our churches. Then we attended the Synod of Ede which...
“Sacrificed on the Cross” by T L Bruinius
Recently, at the end of 2014, an interesting book arrived on the market about the significance of Jesus’ crucifixion. Its title is CRUCIAL, the...
Choose or Lose (1) by D J Bolt
At the end of last season (June 2014) we asked a number of pressing and related questions which in our opinion need to be...
Religionless Christianity
This title may, at first, seem like a contradiction in terms to many. Generally Christianity is considered to be one of the large world...
Three RCN ministers abroad
According to Nederlands Dagblad (6th Feb 2015) Rev G Pruijssen is the third minister of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands (RCN or GKv)...
Bible Study
Bible Study We are about to begin another year of Bible study activity. Depending on our age, this includes studying the Bible at school, catechism...
Christmas – Star to Scripture to the Word-become-flesh
The superficiality of Christmas is all around – in the Christmas shopping, the giving of gifts to one another, the focus on Santa, the...