Heavenly citizenship

“For our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20) Paul says to the Philippian Christians: "For our citizenship is in heaven”. Commentators agree that accent should...

The other 16 hours

A few days ago I attended a presentation by Rev. C. Vermeulen, titled "The other 16 hours", to a large gathering of John Calvin...

The patient haste of our Lord – 2025

“But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as...

Anti-Semitism and Christians

Anti-Semitism, defined as “hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people”, has reared its ugly head in Australia through graffiti on Jews’ cars and buildings,...

Some Roman Catholic teachings in brief

A few days ago, I stopped to chat to an elderly man who lives a few doors along from me. He told me that...

The Reformation, the Mass and Unity

The Great Reformation of the 16th Century, which we tend to commemorate each 31st October in thankfulness to the Lord, involved reformers making a...

Abram’s entry into Canaan

"Abram passed through the land to the place of Shechem, as far as the terebinth tree of Moreh.  And the Canaanites were then in...

Apostolic curse-prose

I could wish that those who trouble you would even cut themselves off! (Galatians 5:12) (What follows is an approximate translation of a meditation of...

Church unity and the truth

Recently I received an article from G M Boogert, member of the DGK in The Netherlands, titled “Church pluralism and blindness to first sin....

A school skit about the Church Liberation of 1944

The following is a skit between an imaginary primary school boy and his 98-year-old grandmother. I publish it here for the sake of the...

The Snare is Broken

11th August eighty years ago the Lord graciously liberated His church in the Netherlands. We Free Reformed Churches of Australia trace our linage, the...

Part of Br Hagg’s address to FRCA Synod 2024 about joining the ICRC

What is it that compels representatives from overseas sister churches, in addressing FRCA Synod 2024, to take sides in a divisive issue in our...

Part of address by Rev C van Dam to Synod 2024 about joining the ICRC

Membership of the ICRC has been a divisive issue in the Free Reformed Churches. It led us to withdraw our membership in the 1990s....

Being Reformed as Identity: Remaining Faithful to Scripture and Confession

The concept of 'identity' is currently receiving much attention because of gender ideology. But does what you feel and experience as a person (e.g....

Church in Canadian Reformed History: The 1950s

This article, published here with the writer’s kind permission, is from Clarion, May 17 2024. Reading Rev Bouwman’s article we might ask ourselves: Are we...